
Together we are better. Stories, ideas, and inspiration for you.
The five most common causes of knee pain
The 5 most common causes of knee pain: Runner's knee and Chondromalacia patellae, ACL injuries, injury to the anterior cruciate ligament. Prevention: regular strengthening and flexibility exercises, appropriate footwear, Medicovi orthopedic inserts.
Fallen Arches: Step-by-Step

Fallen Arch: Step by Step. Flat foot is often a result of genetics, injury, or excessive strain. Exercise along with MEDICOVI insoles can relieve pain.

Herniated Disc (Hernia Disci): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
A herniated disc, also known as a hernia disci, is a painful spinal condition that can significantly impact one's quality of life. Symptoms can include lower back pain, leg pain, muscle weakness, sensitivity issues, and increased pain during movement. Causes include aging, injuries, genetic predisposition, and excess weight. Treatment options range from conservative methods like rest, physical therapy, and medications to surgical interventions like discectomy and laminectomy. Rehabilitation is crucial for recovery. Medicovi Orthopedic Insoles, specifically Medicovi T40, can provide comfort and symptom relief for those with a herniated disc by stabilizing the feet. Consulting a physician or spine specialist for an individualized treatment plan is essential for the best outcome. Early diagnosis and treatment offer better chances of successful recovery.